When end support and start customization

Hello guys, can you help me understand this?

I received a support email from a buyer that had a problem with align main menu on right (it’s not showed in demo), it’s ok he have just add a class and I told him. After few hours he send me another mail with screenshots and explain me that have problem in mobile, he don’t know how hide and show some elements, basically he don’t know media query.

Now also this email could be ok, I could paste in email a piece of css to add to style.css or do myself from ftp (he sended me ftp access in first email). What I want know is: if he send me 10 other emails like this, have I to consider customization and I can stop, or this is just support for envato? How do you manage this?

Thank you :smile:

No, charge him.
Free support destroys the amount if time we have to spend. Either send a tutorial for media queries and tell him that if he does not know how it works, he has to pay you.

I’ve encountered this problem myself with some clients.
To have your clients happy, help them with one or two minor things BUT if they want more than two things just kindly tell them “I just helped you with x customisations of this product. Please remember that the customisation is not included in the price of the product and is charged separately. Unfortunately I can’t help you with the next customisation for free. Please consider the time and the customisations already made and let me know if you need any more customisations, payed this time.”.

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Thank you for replies :slight_smile: