What’s going on…?.. still no answer from the staff…
Where’s the dislike button?
New authors have to be inspected!
That’s pretty disturbing… Thanks for sharing Flossie!
@Envato, why is this? As a long time author I feel pretty offended by this. Why are newcomers being pulled to the front of the cue?
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Its a really sad news for all of us who are working so hard to create unique and innovative stuff and people are copying that. I would like to request Evanto team to do something about it immediately.
Guys, lets not make hasty conclusions.
Envato announced that there will be some changes to review process in the June.
Maybe they are testing some new methods or its just the first phase of some long-term process in speeding up the overall review queue that wasn’t yet announced.
Let’s wait for official answer first.
Problem is not only reviewing time, there is a lot of stolen music, it’s too much. most of all from new accounts
“Envato announced that there will be some changes to review process in the June.” - very nice:
It’s the weekend
I’m sure we’ll get more news as the Melbourne office comes online. I realize it’s not a great situation, so thank you so much for your patience!
Agree. Whatever shocking it is to see, that new “GTA” authors are more important than us, we need to do something with theft first of all.
Yes, thats another story and i totally agree that something has to be done about this.
Fully support topic’s author!
Envato, why you don’t want change system of registrations to close opportunity for profiles with stolen music?
Full support ALEX!!!
I agree! I am sure that the time for approval should be the same for all authors. The main principle of equality. At least strange when an elite author waiting a month, and a new author is approved for three days! This is absolutely not fair.
Not to restate the obvious, but:
If somebody is being advanced to the front of the queue, why new authors and not longtime contributors?
Dear Envato, please answer - is that DISCRIMINATION? or what?
New authors write that you took their tracks after 10 days. Why I wait a month? I can confirm my every track
Did you mean 3 days maybe?
3-10 - different, but not a month. Interesting - when approoved my tracks called “Summer …” - in November?
Even this doesn’t make much sense if we’ll be competing Sinatra and Elvis