What LUFs level do you set your mastering to??

Wondering what people on these stock websites do for mastering nowadays - seems like Youtube, Spotify, iTunes, etc. all limits your loudness so it’s not like the “loudest master wins” anymore…or does it?? Would love a real number as to how loud the master needs to be (in terms of LUFs measurement)

Thanks all!!!

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imhe It depends on the style. Usually between -10 and -15 (being -14 spotify´s norm and others)
I have some old tracks and electronic stuff at -9 LUFS :ghost:

It seems that most music here on Audiojungle is very “stabilized” and all sounds very neutral but loud - what is the lowest volume that a track would get accepted for listing? IT seems like some of the curators may still only listen for “loudness”…

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Aaaahhh things are more complex than single xx Lufs answer. Different genres have different timbre, sound engineering/music library conventions. Check tracks from each genre and compare them, make stats. Compare heavy electronic dubstep with dynamic cinematic track (but not trailer or epic) and you’ll see what I mean.

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