What is ZIP containing an installable WordPress Theme???

I uploaded My theme here: "Main File(s)"
But I don’t understand this: "ZIP containing an installable WordPress Theme"
Where upload My theme?
Here “Main File(s)” or here “ZIP containing an installable WordPress Theme” ???!!!
What is this option? "ZIP containing an installable WordPress Theme"
Please … I want a help!
I will wait …

“ZIP containing an installable WordPress Theme” is an archive (ZIP) which contains installable WordPress theme. Is it clear now?

It’s the ZIP file that you would, as a customer, upload and install in WordPress. Think of the ZIP you get when downloading a theme from WordPress.org

digitalimpact said

It’s the ZIP file that you would, as a customer, upload and install in WordPress. Think of the ZIP you get when downloading a theme from WordPress.org

See this pic:

I wait you …

Main Files - All the files that come with your theme, this includes documentation and maybe something more.

WordPress Theme - Only the WordPress theme files zipped up.

kriskorn said

Main Files - All the files that come with your theme, this includes documentation and maybe something more.

WordPress Theme - Only the WordPress theme files zipped up.

it’s clear.