What Is The Email Address For Elite Authors When Asking Envato For Help ??

Isn’t there an “email address” for elite authors to correspond with Envato / AudioJungle when we have a question? If you know this email address please send to: musicforhope@hotmail.com

Thank you for your help on this! Much appreciated!

Sure thing! Ping Elite Support at elite@envato.com

Cheers! :fist_right:t2::fist_left:t2:

Is the email elite@envato.com responsive? I have some problems that may need extra support from elite side or should I send a normal author support request email to Envato? Thank you in advance.

Depends on the volume of tickets, that’s for sure. If your issue is an “Elite account” related issue, hit it up, if not, go through classic author support. Cheers! :blush:

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