What is going on ?

  1. There is still no theme files in the download zip, except the child theme - http://envato.d.pr/gNLB/1ubfmpDI

Second soft reject and second time I ADD THEME FILES - There is no way to upload theme without theme files !!

Apparently, there is no primary theme file/folder in the root folder infact. Have you tried extracting the zip file in your own computer to see whether theme file is visible to you? may be hidden file issue or even any mac specific issue. I also encountered similiar issue, where reviewer was unable to extract the zip file, turnsout it was mac specific bug where
osx was unable to extract zip file starting with specific wording.

I see no problem to uncompress mac zip on windows and mac. But they say that I do not upload files, not that zip is corrupted or something like this.

I’m not sure then, try using FTP upload.

I send once again with screenshots … next 3 days of waiting = 49 days and I’m sure there will be some next soft reject if they will get files.

I do not really understand the issue. The screenshot shows what the reviewer see when they extract the main.zip, right? There is no sign of parent theme there, so either you haven’t included it in this main.zip or is somehow hidden. In either cases, there is an issue which should be fixed.

main.zip must also include theme files ? there is special input for WordPress Theme …

The main files must include everything!

Of course. When a buyer purchase a theme, he receive a link to main .zip. If he wants to download just the installable file only, he has to go to his Downloads and download it there.

Your main folder where you have all the documentation, Demo content or other stuff must have the Install able Theme zip archive as well. The option for Theme zip when you upload a WordPress theme for review is for the Download option, users see when they download the files. http://drops.imithemes.com/YxAs So if a user opt to download “All files & Documentation” then the y should get the theme zip as well

Ok now I know … They didn’t write it any where. So my second waiting more then 10 days theme will also get soft reject ( of course if not hard for design ) :slight_smile:

But … reviewer have access to this theme from WordPress Theme input file and he can check it to do not waste time … ( i think ) especially when queue is soooooo long.

Well, you can remove your submission from queue and can resubmit it from item url page. You don’t have to wait for reviewer to reject the file.

But it’s 10 days back … = min. 45 days of review.