Welcome to the experiment !

I got that email from envato “Welcome to the experiment !” in november.
“The experiment will initially run for two months and, as we mentioned in the previous email, this experiment is all about rewarding a high quality portfolio. High quality, in this experiment, means we’d like you to publish at least five items over the next two months and maintain an approval ratio of at least 80%.”
Am curious, does anyone got recent feedback from that experiment ?

Maybe they want you to be a reviewer? :thinking:

There was a second email. The experiment was finished on the 21st January.

Hi @PiranhaSound I got invited to the same experiment, I think its about getting more insights about your portfolio traffic, though I’m not entirely sure.

They will get back to the participants over the next few weeks I was told last week.

Good luck!

Maybe they are researching a new autoapproval engine for some chosen good authors?

thanks, so i guess i ll be patient !

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and then review my own track !!?? cooool ! :blush:

Some participants in this experiment may be eligible for Elite status benefits such as Google Analytics access (for a limited period). And if I understood correctly, the only purpose of this experiment is to offer this reward for improving approval ratio.

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Sounds like an extremely peculiar way to squander time and resources. What might they hope to learn from such an experiment? 5 items over two months with an 80% approval rate isn’t even a serious or ambitious requirement.