We made a script to automatically download all your Envato invoices as PDF files

Hi guys,

Each month we have to download all of our invoices from Envato and forward them to our accountant. This proved to be a very slow and error-prone process, as we also had to print-to-PDF each invoice.

Being the procrastinating programmers that we are :slight_smile: while taking breaks from our projects, we made a small script that automatically downloads these invoices and saves them as PDF files, ready to be printed or emailed or whatever you need.

Here is the GitHub repository with all the info you need to get started: https://github.com/WeCodePixels/envato-invoice-downloader

Would love to hear your feedback!

Liviu from WeCodePixels


Thank you very much for sharing your script with the community - it will be useful to use when doing our taxes.

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Nice but in my country the invoices here are useless :slight_smile:


So can you safely disregard them as if they never existed, even though they are issued on your behalf? So you instead invoice Envato 12x per that’s it?

In Austria, and I guess in many other countries as well, these invoices do not count. My accountant says only money flow counts so they only would be legit if we get the money directly from the buyer and pay or fee to Envato - which will never be the case for obvious reasons.

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