Wanted: WordPress Booking System for multible Rooms

Hey folks,

a friend wants to have a booking system with a user firendly overview on daily timeslots in multible coaching rooms. The best example that we found is the following:


There you have a monthly overview + a daily shedule with 4 rooms + best of all: after selecting a free time slot you can eigther checkout or continue and add more dates to your shopping card. Now I wonder which of the wordpress booking systems comes close to that example?

Best wishes

Hello I am interested in this project .can we talk more detail on skype

Hey, it seems that we are going for either Pinpoint Booking or WooCommerce Bookings, I will come back to you if we need more developers in that project.

Hello BaumannMusic
we can discuss about the project
can we skype: sunil.shrestha19

we have built and developed booking system for taxi and trade business
