I’m using WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.2 on WordPress v 4.7.5
When I am editing, and I try to add an Element, I can’t see the “Media grid”, “PostMasonry Grid” and “Masonry Media Grid” elements.
Can somebody help me?
I’m using WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.2 on WordPress v 4.7.5
When I am editing, and I try to add an Element, I can’t see the “Media grid”, “PostMasonry Grid” and “Masonry Media Grid” elements.
Can somebody help me?
Are you sure they are not disabled from your theme?
How can I know that?
I am using the them OptimizeWP (by Mykado Themes), version 1.8.2
On the left menu bar there’s an option called “Mikado Options”.
There, I can see many options, grouped as below:
I could not found “grid” or something similiar in any of them
You have to ask them, I am afraid
To Mikado themes or to WP Bakery?