Videos stocksubmitter not appearing in the Dashboard

I am having problems checking out if videos are on the review queue. I use Stock Submitter to submit files. With the old API key I had no problems but now I had to use/create a new API to submit files (the old method did not work more with Stock Submitter). I created a new one but when I submit now I can upload the files and get status of submitted with Stocksubmitter but my videos are not there in the dashboard “currently processing uploads” section. Does it take some time that they appear there or can they be tracked in another placer where I am not aware of ?

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I am having the same exact problem very frustrating

I ve uploaded some clips via new FTP upload system and has no problem since changing FTP client with new one. Trying to change FTP client must be solution.

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There is some clip that I uploaded , and the submit button greyed out that says “no clip ready” instead of submit. I am not sure why that is.

I fixed this was my fault, but I’d like to point out. I had not notice there was no space between the comma and the next multiple clip duration data. Before it was easy to see that mistake, it would point it out and make it red so it is obvious. Now not so much. Immediatly after adding the space the “submit” button became active . !! Great work team !!