Videohive Elite Exclusive Authors Sales Fall

As i became Exclusive Elite videohive Stock footage author, sales started rapid fall.

i am interesting to know the experience of other exclusive stock footage authors…
i am keen to know is my work irrelevant or other exclusive authors are facing same issue ?

Dont know if other market facing same situation, but I’m in graphicriver exclusive facing massive fall in last 3 month and still not recover…

yes… i am facing continuous fall.

If you look at the Popular Items Tab in the Stock Footage. you will see the Top Authors and the Number of Sales they have Each Month. Example: Pressmaster - who is the Top Seller as far as I can remember,… he used to have 5000+ sales a month… now only about 3000 a month. Others in that list who used to have about 500-600 a month now have 400 or less… This is as a result of two things… 1). There are far more Authors uploading more Stock Footage to the site, and 2). the Stock footage Market has probably reached a peak for buyers. Basically, Envato is rapidly gaining More Stock Footage Items, but not increasing its Sales. So less Sales to go around for the increasing number of Authors.

almost every stock market I’m in is decresing its sale since 2-3 months

It seems to me that the new download rules, the new price policy and the new rules of working with the authors will lead to the fact that the market will lose its individuality and attractiveness for buyers. Some buyers go to other markets.