Version numbers


It would be nice If I could find out somehow the theme or plugin current version. Additionally at least the filename should contain the version number.

It is very user-unfriendly now. Please consider some improvement about this.

Actually, versioning is available, but it only depends on author. For example, we always include current version number (along with changelog) in item’s description, and many authors do the same. Of course, there will always be authors who don’t want to provide versioning for some reasons…

Hi @litkai

For automatic version handling and automatic notifications when updates become available, there is a very useful plugin recommended by Envato, the Envato Market WordPress Plugin.

You can find about it more here:

After you’ll download it, you will see version numbers of purchased items in this plugin’s dashboard.

Envato authors are also encouraged to implement this plugin in their items so that customers have a reliable and consistent experience across products.