Using Free Themes To Increase Affiliate Earnings

We now have a Free Themes page! You can view it here. Did you know that many buyers who download a free item end up purchasing an item soon after! And because of our lengthy 90 day cookie period, promoting Envato Free Themes is a great way to increase your earnings when done right.

Many affiliates include ‘Free themes’ in round ups or ‘top themes for’ articles by including the links to the item but now, these Themes have a home where you can drive your traffic to and showcase all themes on one page.

Free themes promotion ‘Do’s and Dont’s’
Promote our free themes anywhere you mention or showcase free themes.
Be sure to mention that the theme is a “Premium theme that is free for a limited time”. You can also call out the price savings. You can find the original price on our Free Themes page.
When possible, call out that the item is free for a limited time.
When possible, update the content to showcase the updated Free Themes each month and remove the previous month’s free themes.
Mention the envato Premium Free Themes page at the beginning of your content
Write at least 250 words describing the theme. You can get inspiration from the description of the item.
Remember to include your ‘?ref=username’ on all links to the Free Themes page or theme.

It’s best you don’t add Free Themes to any content that mentions “Premium Themes” exclusively

If you have any questions post here or email me at:
Best of luck referring!


Mention the envato Premium Free Themes page at the beginning of your content

Could we say “Freemium”?

Hi @LanieDM! “Freemium” usually refers to a pricing model where a reduced-feature version is available for free, aimed at getting customers to move up to paid versions later on.

It’s not strictly accurate here, as the free WordPress themes on our new landing page are full-featured themes, which can be used under our Standard Licence. The only things that are not included with a free download are item support and updates - that’s why the regular license options are also available for sale even while the file is available for free.


Okay, got it. Thank you for the details. :grin:

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