US withdrawing from TPP. Will it affect Envato?

I’m not sure if this allowed to discuss it here, excuse me if not. But will this somehow affect our marketplace? Anyone knows?


just be glad you are withdrawing, you dont need to worry about anything else, its not about you and Envato its about what best for America as a whole and withdrawing certainly is a good move

No, the US was never a part of the TPP to begin with - it was not approved yet.
So there will not be any negative effects. :slight_smile:

I wonder if there were any positives Envato would have received going into this? Perhaps it would have opened up more countries to less tax on items?

That was my question actually. Will it affect any taxes and/or fees?

what do you mean?

I’m far from politics and world economy. I’m asking because Envato is US company now and operates with worldwide authors and customers.