Urgent help with wordpress

I could really use someones help now. I have a website on wordpress, everything was alright,
I got ssl certificate for my website. And here’s where the problem starts.

I installed Really Simple SSL plugin, to save me some pain and the plugin didn’t detect the ssl. I wanted to try to detect it again, but instead of it I clicked on ‘force ssl…’. You probably know what happened next, I couldn’t even log in to my admin, so I deleted this plugin through ftp. I also though about checking .htaccess and there was also a file from that plugin which I deleted (maybe shouldn’t do that, but oh, well…)

Then when I refreshed my site it gave me some internal error 500, so I replaced my .htaccess with new one only with the files that should be there. Problem solved? No. Refreshed, and my site started redirecting me to my hosting page. I already checked permissions, php memory limit is okay, deactivated every plugin through ftp, re-uploaded wp-admin and wp-includes. I know it’s not my host provider since I know I fu…made things bad. Please help?

Such an amazing way of starting weekend…I’m literally pulling my hair out.

I have good working exp in wp…please add me on skype for fast conversation related my skills and your work

Unfortunately I don’t use skype, and I bet it’s a matter of something small and stupid that I just didn’t notice, so I asked people if they have any thoughts what could cause the problem.

check wp-config.php, SSL can be forced from there.

Checked, I replaced the whole wp-config.php also with the basic wordpress one. I guess I’ll have to rebuild the whole site :frowning:

Hi @ALdesigns

As per your requirement I can definitely help you.
Please add me Skype: cis.hayden so that we can discuss.
Email me: hayden.cis20@gmail.com

Looking forward.


I saw you wrote the same message to several people and you dont add anything to the community, so I think I’ll pass:)

Did you check if there is any other .htaccess file in some parent directory? .htaccess files in parent directories apply to children directories so maybe plugin added it somewhere else.

Another thing you should try is opening index.php in the root wp directory (where wp-config.php is located), and at the very top of the file you add this:

<?php exit( 'Hello' ); ?>

You should then try accessing your website and if that message is printed, you know you can reach your WordPress and some piece of php code is doing the redirection. Otherwise, it’s not related to wp.

I have other .htaccess files in wp-includes and cgi-bin, am I supossed to delete them? I added the piece you wrote and still there’s ‘server error 500’. Right now, anything I do doesn’t change it. I uploaded wp-admin and wp-includes as well as the root wp directory (including .ataccess, wp-config and others) all over again. When on monday I’ll say to my boss I’m not able to fix it then I can as well kill myself. I can even give you ftp access and you can see if I messed all totally up or not :frowning:

Ow, on other browsers I see the ‘hello’. Just not in chrome. And still can’t log in to wp-admin :frowning:

Clear your cookies and cache then try login again or try to contact hosting provider and get help from them.

The other site that we have on this hosting is working perfectly, and clearing cookies and cache on chrome didn’t do anything. I can open the page with ‘hello’ on other browsers but not log-in. I don’t know what else I could be missing.

With my thought, you need try to get help from your hosting provider because it is very restriction with your FTP to debug it. Because this case based on your hosting provider to solve this issue and they can troubleshoot better than you.

Thanks :slight_smile: I will try few more things and if this won’t work I’ll have to do as you said.