Uploading my first item - does not work :/

Hello there, I want to upload my first item, but when I click that button, page realoads, but nothing happen :confused:

I tried to use chrome, and then mozilla…

hi did u get to your dashboard and select which kind of item on the right hand side? or you mean that u have a error message when the upload is supposed to be finished? if the second alternative, indeed, just close the window and redo the operation, go back to dashboard and then on the right , click on the menu to determine which kind of item and normally ti should work …

@mgscoder @XioxGraphix

Hey guys, can you please help me with this? I attached a screenshot. I´m in my dashboard, I´m clicking on this button “upload my first item” , but nothing happen. It seems like it reload the page, but i can only click on this button. As I said… it does nothing. Thanks a lot for your time !

Best, Milan Pleva

hi i do not know for this … i think that u should “open a ticket” in other words try o contact the help center … u may have a technical issue with your account or , pls ask @mgscoder or @XioxGraphix, they are technical killers and may tell u what to do …

Hi @milpo

at top right onmouseover your username a dropdown menu will display. can you see the ‘Upload’ menu there? click on that ‘Upload’ menu …

oh my… I finally figured it out :slight_smile: … I didn´t have an upload option in dropdown menu… … I tried to click on “become an author” AGAIN … and now it works…

I was confused because I went through “become an author” steps… and obviously… for some reason I needed to do it again… now it works … thanks guys !


Glad you got it to work, because I wouldn’t know what you would need to do haha. If I have ever seen that button, it was so long ago that I don’t remember it.

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