Uploading a Laravel website template - which category?

Hello guys,

Can a Laravel Website be uploaded to CodeCanyon PHP scripts category?

Best regards.

No, if you check child category of PHP scripts you will not any subcategory for template/theme. But if your item is add-ons/tools/modules/components then you can submit the item. your item should go with any one of the subcategory features.

Thank you @mgscoder :wink:

By the way, about our latest rejection, if we could merge our latest script with Laravel, do you think this could be accepted?

All scripts developed with Laravel belong in the PHP Scripts category.

It seems that you’re building a CMS from your previous thread. I doubt switching to Laravel alone will flip your rejection. It seems like a challenge to get a new CMS approved these days. That’s also not really a category that I’m experienced in, so I can’t advise beyond that observation.

Also worth noting that switching to a framework such as Laravel will slightly alter the flexibility of the item e.g. it will be harder to install in subdirectories, will have stricter server requirements, will be slower on cheap hosting and servers without opcache etc.

Ok, I’ve seen that the latest uploaded and accepted items are all in Codeigniter and Laravel framework projects.
Why can’t there be a section for raw and plain PHP development… Why the constraints to the upload for other PHP methods rather than the use of those frameworks.
Ok, maybe our script is not the best, but for single projects, is more than enough, and as authors, like us, provide support the items, why aren’t really these items accepted?
Not everyone is familiar with those frameworks, and not even us, had the time to commit to learn this new frameworks, so it’s quite demanding what envato is doing to authors.

Thank you for your reply @baileyherbert .

Best regards.