Uploader not working ?

Upload FTP done. Then it stucks in “your items processing”. Any idea whats happening ?

Try google chrome - then wait 5 min and F5 (refresh)

i m in chrome and waited like 4-5 hours still same. also tried firefox.

The electro Theme i purchased could not install. Capture . The attached file is the error message i received

please clear browser cache and cookie and try again.

thanks tried that, still same.

Try with another browser.

FTP uploads cannot work for a few days for me, I get an error message to ftp program that says “couldnt connect to server” and “connection refused” in ftp client. I ve tried different ftp clients and still the same, anyone have this problem?

i already tried chome and friefox.

Same here. Connects ftp.marketplace.envato.com without problem.

I ve tried ftp.marketplace.envato.com and I get different error says that " Critical error: Could not connect to server " whats going on?

try to create new token maybe this helps

Surely there is a problem with envato servers.

update: web uploader works fine. (yet its not accepting pjpg mov file format) I m able to upload and submit items. ftp.author… still same not connecting, ftp.marketplace… connecting.

Open your FTP client and enter the following details:
Host: ftp.marketplace.envato.com
Username: [your Envato Market username]
Password: [your Envato Market API key] Generate a legacy token in your profile, and use as password.
Port: 21
Click ‘Connect’ or your FTP client equivalent.

Once you upload via ftp using client like FileZilla, just refresh the item submission page and you will see you files there.

How to get an API Key

I ve tried all the solution you say but no success…

please Contact Support They will be very happy to assist you.

Thank you. Already contacted support. They are working on it. I guess.

If you are uploading Stock Footage or Motion Graphics the ftp URL is different. I think it was ftp.author.envato.com

The new uploader does give instructions how to set it up.

Thanks i already mentioned that url which not connecting.

I have the same problem. can’t get on FTP