Upload Limits

Are there any upload limits for the graphicriver?
how many templates can I able to upload at a time?

Print template - 10 Item per month
Graphic - 20 per month
Presentation template - 5 item per month

Submission Limits for Graphics

To reduce the wait times, and create a fairer situation for graphics authors, envato team decided to implement submission limits across all graphics root categories for authors with an approval ratio below 35% (or below 30% for vectors). These percentages may change over time as envato try and find the best solution.

More info here:

How many templates are allow to upload at once?

there is no such upload limits for graphicriver but currently there are upload restriction for authors who have approval ratio of 10% or less.

If you go to your account Dashboard then from right side check Upload an item and select your concern category there will show how many items you will be able to upload under the sleceted category.

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