Updating Schema.org markup to get query freshness in Google

Hello everyone

Just a quick FYI update.

Items like Avada which was last updated on 8th Oct 2015 comes up in Google search as last updated on 16th Aug 2012 ( the date on which it was released ).

This is because w​e don’t use the dateModified , datePublished schema markup and Google seems to just pick the 1st date that it sees on the page as the default published date. We have recently pushed out a fix for this.

Google is now able to see the dateModified data and should start updating the search result pages with this data. Google gives fresh item a small ranking boost so our updated item pages might start to see some Google love in the coming weeks​.

We also started showing Last Update date on all sites when the item gets an update. Previously that was only shown on ThemeForest and CodeCanyon.

Now item pages like https://audiojungle.net/item/inspiring/9325839 will start to show this data. Here is a snapshot of the cached version which does not have that data

This requires no extra effort from the author’s side. Once Google crawls and processes this data, your items will show up in search results with the last updated date.

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Also, I wonder where did that Author Thumbnail feature we have linked via Google Plus URL? is that still working?

Google canned it a while back, but there are rumors they might bring it back.

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Hmmm, whether visiters trust older result than newer result? :smiley:

usually, they will not trust 2012, or oct 2015, they will trust Jan / Feb 2015 :slight_smile:

I don’t know why but the update doesn’t seem to work :smile:
