I’m afraid it won’t be paid till next month.
Is there a minimum payout amount?
There is a $50 minimum payout amount (for each of the payout methods). If you don’t reach the $50 minimum within the month, Envato will withhold your monies until you reach the minimum.
Hi. I got “Envato sent you a payment” message, but the balance still remain the same. Any problems there? Or it’s just a delay of balance update?
The same thing.
@BenLeong could you please explain why after receiving letters with “Envato sent you a payment” message, balance remains the same?
Hi @LumenMedia and @StudioProject.
The balances displayed on the Author Profile page are updated daily. June payments have been processing throughout the day - there are a lot to process, as we’re sending both Market and Elements out today.
Tomorrow we’ll update the balances to show all payments that have successfully been sent out (those balances will then change to $0.00). I can post here to confirm when that update is done.
@BenLeong Thanks for the quick response.
Why can’t we have the amount of the balance be displayed within the Audiojungle dashboard, like it used to be?
Why the need to add an extra step and have to go to another domain name just to see how much money is still pending?
I mean, I understand the process has changed, but the amount could still be displayed from the dashboard, couldn’t it?
Thanks for explaining. Best as usual!
The idea is good - you have one place to see all earnings. May be a little to extra steps.
I agree, the consolidated data on one page is a good thing. But I don’t see how/why it implies the info is taken away from the usual widget altogether.
I mean instead of having a widget say “view your balance via…” it could display the amount as well, couldn’t it?
Anyway, not the worst thing. The extra step is just a slight annoyance.
I have a question regarding the processing of market earnings. If market earnings exceed $50 prior to the 15th of the month, will these funds be included in that month’s withdrawal? Specifically, if sales occur on the 13th or 14th of the month, will these earnings be processed and included in the current month’s withdrawal, or will they be carried over to the following month since they occurred later in the current month?
I appreciate your clarification on this matter.
Thank you.
@PurpleFog I agree, things are a little clunky at the moment while we’re moving between different systems. We’re moving away from having absolutely everything buried in the Market code though (it’s evolved into a very tangled jungle in there over the years), and so now everything to do with balances and payouts is contained entirely in an Author-facing system that’s maintained by our Author engineering team.
That avoids needing to have that team also have to manage all the other things that Market does, from listing items to processing sales. As the underlying systems get untangled, we also want to do a UX review to make things easier to use - but the initial focus is on getting the foundational work done.
Hi @Dominicious! The earnings → payouts process currently looks something like this, using the current month as an example:
June 1-30: Market earnings accumulate in your account throughout the month.
July 1: The June earnings are finalised and transferred out of your Earnings total, when we create the Market Earnings Summaries.
July 8: June earnings appear on your Market Balance, awaiting payout day.
July 15: Market earnings are paid out via your nominated payment method.
July 16: Balances are updated to reflect all successful payments.
So you will accumulate earnings for a full calendar month, and then that total is paid on the 15th of the following month.
My balance show exatly the same amount of earnings as day before. Payment was declined?
By the way, I still haven’t received letters about sending money!, Neither from the Market, nor from Elements… am I the only one here?
The same thing, why send an email that the money has been sent?
Does anybody have received email from Envato this month of payment? As my balance is still showing in my codecanyon account and I think my money not processed to withdrawal but I have already fully setup my payout method.
Does anybody have the same issue ?
The balance has been reset to zero.
Update for today (Tuesday 18 June):
Balances have just been updated on the Author Profile page, reflecting the changes in payout status over the last 24hrs. The vast majority of June payments have successfully gone out, triggering the “Envato sent you a payment” emails that many of you have received. Balances for people receiving those payments will now be showing $0.00 again.
There’s a group of payments that are still processing, marked as Compliance screened
in our systems. We’re seeing this mainly for payments to locations like Ukraine, Turkey, Pakistan, and countries bordering Russia. Until that batch of payments progress through the “processing” stage, those authors won’t receive their confirmation email.
These should continue through the processing queue as normal, but may just take a little longer. We’ve asked for an update from the payment provider, in case there’s anything we can do to help those move through the system.
Thanks for the update!