Update: Envato Elements next steps.

Hey @Kopyov,

  1. Support will be sold through market, it will not be sold on elements. This will be stated to a customer up front. If an elements customer requests support they will be directed to the market item to purchase a support pack, or to an Envato Studio Service Provider if the contributor’s items are unsupported on Market.

  2. The Envato Elements licence is the only licence we have on Elements. The customer needs to state which project they’re using the item in when they download it. However, in a subscription model they can download the item as many times as they like, provided they tell us which project it is being used within with each download.

  3. You can absolutely sell items on both Elements and Market. Being part of Elements does not impact your exclusivity.

  4. Ratings don’t exist on elements. Largely because the contributor selection process.

  5. Refunds don’t exist on elements either, as it’s a subscription based service. Subscribers pay for the subscription, not the individual items they use.

Hope that answers your questions :slight_smile:

Now for @themepassion’s question…

Currently there are no restrictions on what a contributor can add, provided the category for the item type exists.

For Web Templates, all items need to be available on market for them to be uploaded to elements. As we add more categories, a Web Templates contributor could theoretically add, say, a plugin if that was to become a category.

Elements is much more about reviewing the individual contributors themselves, rather than their items.

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when AJ go to Elements )? can not wait :pensive:

Why would you think this is great news? It’s less money for you.

Less per sale, yes, but the volume could result in more money. And seeing as you can have items on the marketplace and on Elements… then you just need one subscriber to download it and then you’ve made more money!

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A subscriber who maybe would have bought the item on the marketplace if it wasn’t available in Elements, and then you would have made even more money.

True, but that also depends on how many potential Market buyers you’d lose as a result of your items being available on Elements. There are bound to be at least a few (regular) Market buyers who would decide that subscribing to Elements is better value than paying $15-19 each time for individual tracks.


You’re not wrong. I guess it remains to be seen what effect this will have on marketplace sales… hopefully there’s room for both offerings. Watch this space!

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Agreed. Here’s hoping the number of new Elements subscribers outweighs the potential loss of Market buyers!

Anyway, the prospect of including audio in Elements looks promising on the whole, and I’ve got high hopes about offering music there myself… but that’s assuming I get an invitation!

Hi @Hyperprod , I hope in the future it will happen as you might expect, but what I experienced last month as the GraphicRiver author, my sales which always raises from month to month, was fell by nearly 50% last month, I guess some GR buyers switched some of their purchases to Envato Element.

Agree with @AurusAudio right now nearly all the Element subscribers are the same old buyers of Envato Markets, but I hope in the future Element could create its own market and new kind of buyers which will also bring more buyers for Envato Market.

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I think you misunderstood my post, which was a comment to the post before mine. I agree with you and think more subscribers to Element will mean less sales on the marketplaces.

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It’s a cool thought. And for us musicians, is another potential platform to advertise your music! Thank You envato!

As far as it is limited service, it will be profitable. Just another type of users with possibilities to join other Envato markets. Why not?

Lumen, totally agree with you :slight_smile:

How/where can I apply to be an author on there?

Hi, from a customers point of view this is just awesome an absolute dream.

From an authors view well…

I’ve been hearing over and over again…“we are targeting another group of buyers” and “some want subscription model some want a single purchase” but the main point is that that those that are i envato ecosystem, previously had no choice and had to buy a single price model. Now effectivel,y you chunked a huge chunk away from that part of authors.

Another point is people here had to decide for one or another (since paying for 2 products is well, expensive) now at elements, buyer do not concern about authors profits they like 1 file download it… o i like this one lets try it out also, but from authors perspective that’s sharing profits in huge ways, from envato’s perspective… divide and conquer :slight_smile: cha ching.

As someone mentioned crumbs go to the rest. It goes something like this:

Now, when the green circle gets bigger the dots on the right multiply and are getting smaller and smaller with a few shining exceptions. Until the uploading stops

Now everything is in Envatos hands meaning the only competitive edge you have again is good design and self promotion. More self promotion you do more, you pump into the green circle and less the green circle has to invest in promotion. Once it gains critical mass, the upkeep gets bigger, more bureaucracy, administration, taxation, refunds etc. and to cut your losses, once you have so much authors, which just cannot take up the card on “nobody forces you, you can always leave”, you can simply dump all that there and then circle just gains mass without growing, it just becomes more dense (sorry i love everything space related :slight_smile: )

In the end i have to say, maybe envato knows what they are doing, i sure do not know were this is heading.
Now this could be a good model it all depends on your products and how much you attract downloads but there is one thing here the self promotion part, you do not attract and stick people on your products but you do it for others to, since there is one price and all access.

For Envato this is just a master peace, other platforms have there own designers and developers envato does not and they get 50%! Which is lets be honest a huuuuuuuuuuge chunk.

Anways, kisses and hugs to Envato… don’t hate me

Cheers all!


You are summing it perfectly up. I for my self will leave this evil corporation behaving company now step by step.


I am new to the Envato market…I decided to invest my time because from the outside it seems a fertile ambient…I am beginning to figure out that Envato is a market for few people…the others are just…smoke…

but this is not just limited to envato but all stock sites.

people look at only top selling items and dreams, they too can make same amount of money.

Look at many new wordpress, site templates… some are not getting even 20 sales after a month

if a site template makes 20 sales, they hardly make 20 x 14 = $280

no where in the world, you can afford to make a site template with just $280.

many people dream of becoming next avada and spends thousands of dollars only to realize this fact.


But if that’s true, how is that different from the Envato marketplaces?

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When i am trying to attract buyers and if i succeed, they buy my products and of that purchase they cannot buy another. Subscription model of this kind grands customers to get everything and i have to share my profits not just with Envato but with all other authors. As i mentioned its a perfect setup for Envato not that much for authors. Now this works great if you have in house products that is why quite a few authors are already going solo with subscription models as well as we will also. Meaning that in not that far away future there is going to be few elite and power elite authors that do not submit products any more and eventually turn off Envato products all together (at least those that i know about).

One option would be to opt out a subscription model for the whole portfolio on markets instead on going the way they went. For example a yearly price of 99$ to access all themes in our portfolio. Don’t know about ramifications of that but it is just an idea.

With the recent review times, and all the changes, unpredictable and wild sales Envato is just not sustainable business model for a company (if you are not on most popular list). The uploading of new items worked because it was all about how much good themes you could produce and sustain and lift the sales, now days that is not possible and to survive, its has to do quite a lot about luck.

Subscription models offer a different take and more stable but the way elements went for it, is just well crumbs and big stable income for Envato.

To bad…