Unlimited WordPress themes, plugins & video downloads! from 16,50/m

Good afternoon, I was about to buy the wordpress theme the 7 and I was offered to pay $ 16.50 per month for a year, I bought this promo and I want to download the theme the 7 and I have to pay it ($ 39). I do not understand why I can not download, what’s more, I can not download any of the most important themes for example: BE, avada, elfold.
If I can not download anything from your website I’m not interested, I cancel the subscription and I buy the theme that I need.
Thank you very much.
Obviously canceling the subscription reimbursed me the $ 198
Buenas tardes, estaba por comprar el wordpress theme the 7 y me ofrecieron pagar $16,50 por mes durente un año, compro esta promocion y quiero descargar el theme the 7 y lo tengo que pagar($39). no entiendo el porque no puedo descargar, es más, no puedo descargar ninguna de los mas importante theme por ejemplo: BE, avada, elfold.
Si no puedo descargar cualquier cosa de su web no me interesa, cancelo la subcripcion y compro las theme que necesito.
Muchas gracias
Pd.obviamente al cancelar la suscripcion me reintegran los $198

À perfect example of what Elements does to us authors.


Hi @matias_balbi ,

Elements and ThemeForest are different marketplaces. The subscription option is for Elements and only includes the items on https://elements.envato.com/

Hi, thanks for answering so fast
Unfortunately this product does not interest me, please as it is done to cancel this subscription and the refund of the $ 198.
If it can be done today it would be very lucky, since I am losing a lot of time and I also have to buy the theme the 7.

Thank you very much

Hola , gracias por contestar tan rapido
Lamentablemente este producto no me interesa, por favor como se hace para cancelar esta suscripcion y la devolucion de los $198.
Si se puede hacer hoy seria muy afortunado, ya que estoy perdiendo mucho tiempo y ademas tengo que comprar el theme the 7.

Muchas gracias

https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000621563-Cancelling-Your-Subscription There’s a support request button at the bottom

already cancel it to the subscription
The return of the $ 198 when it is going to be done

ya la cancele a la suscripcion
La devolucion de los $198 cuando se va a realizar

Good morning, I think the easiest and fastest solution for both parties is to transfer the $ 198 to the themeforest account.
Please I need to solve this, because this week I have to buy two themes.

Buenos dias, creo que la solución más facil y rapida para ambas partes es transpasar los $198 a la cuenta de themeforest.
Por favor nesecito solucionar esto, ya que esta semana tengo que comprar dos themes.

Hello @matias_balbi,

As this is a public forum, nobody here can access your account or refund your money. You’ll need to open a Help request for that. Go to this link and fill out the form: https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Hope that helps!