Unable to Fetch a Freebie

I’m new to the website and I got an email stating that I was able to Fetch a Freebie, but when I go to the link it states it cost. I don’t know what’s wrong here or if there’s a step i’m missing. Can some one please help?

Hey @krloshomefree, Can you link us to the item? And when did you receive that email?

I got the email today at 9:03 a.m. this is the link

it said:

Please enjoy this month’s free file: an inspiring, bright and emotional piano piece. Perfect for inspirational projects.

Hmmm… that was July’s free file. It’s really odd that an email for July’s free files was sent out to you today :confused:

Here is the actual AJ free file of this month:

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thank you!

I actually like this one better! thank you for your help. I just opened the account yesterday so still new to all this.


Hi @krloshomefree - welcome to Envato! Sorry about the confusion - it looks like one of our automated emails had an old link in it, so our team has just updated it. Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

You can find all the current Free File of the Month items on our market homepages (scroll down to see the August Free Files section), or you can also find them listed here: https://videohive.net/collections/4551957-free-files-of-the-month

Hope you enjoy the track! That author (SoundEGO) has some great items in their portfolio.

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