Two-Factor Authentication

From today we are releasing two-factor authentication as an optional security feature for all Envato accounts.

What is Two-Factor Authentication and why might you set it up?

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that helps to protect your Envato account. It helps to ensure that the only person who can access your account is you. All accounts will be able to use two-factor authentication, but we especially recommend it for authors with large balances and users with stored credit cards.

What do you need to do to set this up?

For the step-by-step guide on how to enable and disable two-factor authentication on your Envato account, please check out these helpful articles.

Step by step guide for managing two-factor authentication

We’ll be monitoring this thread for the next seven days, answering any questions not yet answered in batches. Please remember our community guidelines as you post.



That’s a great addition! Thank you.

This is awesome! :+1:

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In the decade that Cryptocurrency is exploding, Envato finally follows them!

Awesome. Thank you!!

Is it working?

Greate innovation.

I just enabled it. :slight_smile:


Awesome and i really Appreciate it :ok_hand::ok_hand:

Very Cool! Safety Is Paramount :checkered_flag:

Yes, you should now be able to see ‘Two Factor Authentication’ on
You can follow the step by step guide linked above to set up 2FA :slight_smile:


its great

Awesome, thanks

Good one!

That’s great news - thanks Envato!!!

Really great news! Thank you Envato!

Wow! nice addition.

Is it possible to send the the authentication code to mobile via SMS like github or other sites?

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+1 @smartrahat


This is the best thing I was waiting for. It’s too late for a company like envato but it’s Okay :slight_smile:

I suggest that everyone enable the two factor authentication before someone steal your account !

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