تصميمي قيد المراجعة منذ يومين و لم يتم قبوله

تصميمي قيد المراجعة منذ يومين و لم يتم قبوله

please upload your design for we can help you, thank you.

Dear AYMENE22,

Thank you for your comment on Envato forums. To ensure that your message is understood and appreciated by all members of our community, I have taken the liberty of translating your Arabic comment into English. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Regarding your concern about the approval process for uploading a design or a website on Envato platform,

please note that the review process is not defined or specific, and the duration of the review may vary depending on the nature of the submission.

If you do not understand English well, here is a summary of the answer to your questions in Arabic, in order to help you:

يرجى ملاحظة أن عملية المراجعة غير محددة أو محددة ، وقد تختلف مدة المراجعة حسب طبيعة التقديم.

I encourage you to be patient and trust the Envato review process. they strive to provide a fair and efficient evaluation of all submissions, and we assure you that your product will be given due consideration. Please feel free to contact Envato if you have any further questions or concerns.

Best regards,
Scappy - Author and user on envato

التصميم هيحتاج وقت من فريق عمل إنفاتو ولكن ثق انهم سوف يردون عليك كل ما عليك هو الإنتظار لا تقلق