This one Hard rejected

I have started a new non-exclusive account and this track was hard rejected after three days.

So incidentally I was reviewed as a ‘new’ author after just three days. (not happy about that)

Any ideas as to why?

I think that track idea not bad, it could be good sad ambient, but in this arrangement it is boring. Try to create more different melodies, reacher arrangement and it will be fine. Good luck!

It’s a bed, so I thought it would be useful in that way. Thanks for your response x

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The bass would need a bit higher vol level or a better balanced mix but anyway It is a good track i like it. :slight_smile:

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Hi Flossie,
Good idea. Maybe loose the echoed guitar from 0:24 and spice it up a bit?

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Thanks for your feedback @Octopusic @AASMusicWorks I’ll check the levels but I like the guitar :wink:

I don’t think a hard reject was warranted though :smile:

The guitar itself is ok, just not the echo

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Great track, love the atmosphere! The only thing that needs improvement, in my opinion, is the bass. It doesn’t sit well in the mix. Check the level and freq. I don’t hear anything wrong with the guitar.

Also, I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but AJ probably does, the track is a bit long relative to how much is going on.

Definitely doesn’t deserve a hard reject in any case.

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Pardon? Is that true, and is that a policy now?

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Yup three days as my non exclusive account ‘Audiobed’.

Ok thanks!

I thought the hard reject was undeserved. I will check the bass thanks!

Nice track. But dont be afraid of failures mate. Try again and agian you will be successful.

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Thanks! I will :slight_smile:

hi i am not an expert but i like your track i just tend to believe that teh mix is not exactly balanced some sounds take a bit too much over the other ones if u ask me … just a personal opinion from a guy who likes music but knows nothign about it lol

Feedback on this hard reject:

It was not mainly a composition arrangement issue. Despite the issue there (notably a faux-pas in the bass arrangement, arguably composition, i.e. the obtrusive bass melody passage that in several instances obfuscates and intrudes on general visual support potential), the main aspect of the rejection is also because there were at least 2 additional non-negligible production related issues, specifically general mixing balance for levels overall, and also unbalanced panning of certain elements on the track.

Gotta love this review appeal! It is all sooooo much clearer now. :laughing:

Oops I made a ‘faux-pas’ in the bass arrangement (whoopsie)

And the bass also ‘obfuscates and intrudes’ . If only I had realised that this naughty bass was going to cause me so much bother!!!

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You did ask :wink:


OK. Listened to this 3 times.

If there’s a problem with the bass then I can’t hear it.

What is extremely worrying to me is this review is basically a load of nonsense and leads me to to believe that it’s either a cop out or written by someone who hasn’t got a clue what they’re talking about.
This is why in my case ‘fun fact’ the last time you uploaded was 11 months ago.
The review system here is a major issue and a bit of a let down imo.

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Nice track! I am sure the only problem here is that saw bass, i would probably get rid of it, or replaced it with another one (that famous percussive “organ bass” sound for example, if you know what i mean:)

Saw Bass?? What on earth are you talking about?

Have you actually listened to the majority of the tracks on this site?