Themis menu carousel on front page stopped working. has a 5 item carousel that has stopped working after a recent update.

wordpress updated to 5.5.1, themis says its at the latest version is 3.9.2

I see a console warning carouFredSel: No element found for “.menu-box-widget” in jquery.carouFredSel.packed.js

Is there a known solution to this?


Contact with your purchase item author hope they will helped!


After 5.5.1 WP update, nothing works anymore…

And I cannot contact support because I have to pay. I do not need support, I need the theme works with new WP version.
Mobile menu do not open anymore, slider revolution don’t work anymore, customisation trought WP menu do not work anymore… Long story short : Kreativa ThemeForest is not compatible with new 5.5.1 WP version.

It is compatible with WP 5.5.x