[ThemeForest] Envato Review Times

Why New account item reviewing very fast?

For example: 1) My friend item got reviewed in 3 hours

2)Another friend item reviewed in 12 hours

But I am waiting More than 18 days for my html template

:frowning: :frowning:

What?! Everything thus far Iā€™ve seen is new = 30 days, old = 70 days.


So they just rolled it back for AJ and not us?

1+ month in queue and countingā€¦

I told for HTML template bro :frowning:

I realised that afterwards but itā€™s the same across the the marketplaces. We are seeing preferentially treatment to first time items.

If you get an item that sells 1000+ times, but thatā€™s hard to predict and it likely going to need to be a options heavy theme unless you are a power elite. For the rest of us, no.

They tend to be teams to so the profit is split and marketing can take a lot of time / money. Plus the development time of those mega themes must be pretty intense. Not to mention soft changes.

I got over 600 with my first theme with no advertising but the development time was longer as it had more options and the support was high - lotā€™s of new to WordPress users. Plus I was at 50% commission. Then there is the cost of maintenance. So at the end of it all, you donā€™t get as much as you think. Plus the marketplace seems a little different then when that item was new.

Itā€™s super frustraiting to see that old authors are waiting 70 days for a review and new ones get a respons in 30 days. This is an interesting ā€œbugā€ that reviews fast items with 50% commision for Envato before the ones on wich they earn only 30%.


Iā€™ve been waiting for 45 days and itā€™s still queued for review. My second item is about to finish. I know the word patience but it should be on its right place.

53 days and still countingā€¦

48 days. :sob:

Same here, we are in the same club.

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Thatā€™s awesome, iā€™m a proud member of the +50 club after waiting for 51 days. :grin:

56 days here :smile:

haha, sadly it is not a fun club, tho ā€¦ :disappointed_relieved:

(Sorry for typo)


fā€¦ I was reviewer after 43 days ā€¦ maybe next theme which is waiting 24 days now will get this badge :smiley:

But what is the truth, why envato lying about review time ā€¦ I think that every product has itā€™s live time ( and itā€™s marketing concept, not my ) the true can be hard but review time will never goes down ā€¦ TF had his best time and now it will slowly goes downā€¦ they make some reduction in reviewers and that is itā€¦ What do You think ? Why TF lying about review time ?

2 months :pensive: