[ThemeForest] Envato Review Times

Thanks mate, it’s good to be here!

Do not know why our theme wait more than 2 months. Someone can give me the answer ??

Finally Approved :slight_smile: After 70 Days

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congrats! :slight_smile: GLWS

Thanks a lot : )

OMG, that’s more than 2 months. sigh

If there is that many items being submitted maybe it longer makes sense to treat new and old authors the same. It was bound to happen, more and more people try to get into theming. But with existing authors we have built our business on themeforest and we have paid them ( yes we do pay, this seems to often be forgotten on both sides ) huge amounts of money. How can we sustain our businesses if my item is ready in a month and I expect a 70 day review time? How can any business survive that? New authors are not in that position.


I got 2 months yesterday :cold_sweat:

Knock knock anybody home? Stay stand almost 2 months, just in front of your door…:spy:

Seems like new authors are getting looked at after 1 month. Old authors are waiting 2 months. Similar to the situation on audio jungle What's going on Envato?

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I think all authors need send a message envato help for bomb help service and come @collis here

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I sent a message about 10 days ago and they said it will be reviewed in next days! i send ticket again yesterday and they said: If it has not been reviewed by next week, please let me know.!! Huh

It’s more than 2 month that i uploaded new item! It hurts!

And when you find out new accounts have had reviews in 30 days, it hurts even more.

43 days first review + 12x2 soft reject = 67 days + weekends + work. But it’s my first project I didn’t know that “wr_” prefix is to short and after change it I got many “bugs” because prefix change ( many times I forgot to change it somewhere)
First accept in 14 march :slight_smile: right now is 06.06.2016 :slight_smile: if I won’t get good sales then there are other sites with lower sales but no review process.

It’s ever changing, varies per author with no quality guide. I also got hard rejected for an item that ended up making me the best sales thus far - I made a very small change and that was apparently the difference between hard and soft. I had a queue of people waiting to buy it. All these things make development time much longer that it should be which makes it even harder to earn back the invested development even harder coupled with the low percentage to get to start with. Honestly if I was starting again I would go down a different route.

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Same issue 2 months passed and its still in queue.

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Someone earlier said that those saying 2 months were going by the wrongly listed 2 months on dashboard because it says 2 months after 45 days because of an error. Could you clarify if it definitely 2 months you’ve been waiting?

I can confirm that the theme has been submitted 2 months ago. I even opened a support ticket regarding this issue.

We got approved after 35 days + 1 day (soft-rejection). It was our first WordPress theme in Themeforest :smiley:

See that big difference in review times for mad_dog and mildthemes, a power elite author vs a new author has a month difference in review time.

Congrats mildthemes, it’s not your fault but first timer shouldn’t have a quicker review time.

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