Themeforest BUGs, 400eror

2 posts were split to a new topic: SSL issue in uploader

Hi @ThemeSphere,

Can you clarify which issue you’re referring to? This thread has unfortunately become a home for several unrelated issues.

If it’s the 400 error described above, we believe it to be fixed but please reply back here (or DM me) if you still experience it. We are aware of the cause and have rolled out a fix and some additional monitoring.

If it’s something else, let me know and I’ll look into it.

Hi @Bokstas,

I have split that out into a new topic and raised it with the dev team. As Ben mentioned there, it’s related to some work happening now and will be fixed shortly. I’ll follow up with them as well to make sure that the profile menu is looked at as well.

Hi @Duck-Themes,

Sorry about that – it’s not clear from the title of the new thread, but what you’re seeing there is related to the other issues in that thread. All those things will be addressed shortly.

Thanks for raising it!

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To clarify, yes I was referring to the original topic, that of 400 errors. Several users had been reporting it over weeks.

I have personally experienced it many times over the week, including one right now. I have cleared cookies again (just in case your recent deployment wasn’t reflected yet), and will report back if it occurs again.

If I leave themeforest and open it again in the same browser session I get the 400 bad request

Hi @rosssimpson (seems that is not working at Envato anymore) and @KingDog,

This issue is back again, I have cleared the cache and cookies but it persists. This is happening for 2-3 weeks.

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