Theme Hard Rejected - Any feedback?

I have spent quite some time working on this theme and visually i didnt see any flaws with it. It isnt bleeding edge, but i would consider it to be fairly solid. I have ran the theme check plugin and cleared off every single error that it highlighted for me. I got a response for my submission with a straight up no with no details or explanation.

Before i waste any more time on this project, what kind of issues are there with it and can it be saved?

Appreciate you have spent time on this but it’s not ready for themeforest

  • Typography generally is not great

  • The ‘Albums’ and ‘Band members’ are just blog categories and more posts rather than properly designed pages to differentiate from the rest of the site

  • code doesn’t validate (they don’t seem to be big things but still avoidable)

  • there needs to be a lot more to it e.g. other pages, unique features, variations of home pages etc

  • the design is very plan and out dated and lacks premium quality feel

  • generally it just feels like a basic blog with some custom widgets rather than a ‘band website’

It’s your decision if you want to push on with this one but (in our view at least) there is a ton of work to do and the whole concept will need evolving to stand a chance.

Check out other big selling musician etc. themes on TF and you will see the difference.