It’s already here . time to find new job
Lets wait and see… but i don’t expect more
“find new job”
*find new business partner.
We are the skilled one, what’s wrong with you all?
Who can take our skills? Who can produce? We correct? I don’t see why to panic, if Shutter take care of us together with Envato and we have good stream of income everything will be ok. If not time to self service at some other place, it’s so simple.
At the end i’m thinking about open AI shop free for all
Anyone else experienced high sales today or it is just happy accident?
I’m experiencing 0 sales today
An accident in my case….
Hope to get like this accident all the time and days
I would be curious to know which ones… my sales have almost dropped to zero.
Same here, sales drop to zero.
Looks like no need to update, its bad as always.
If this were a stock market chart, I could easily say that it would fall even further.
It looks like Envato stopped advertising untill Shutterstock integration finalization. Or maybe Shuterstock already decided that they wont need market anymore.
Unfortunately we wont find out soon enough.
Hey < name >, how are sales going?
It’s not just the authors; in fact, Envato Market’s monthly sales have been declining for the past two years.
The complaint against envato is that they do little for sales and do more for the elements. In fact, they lure customers to the elements by selling the hive.
When it was necessary to make a normal separation of the elements and the hive, and not turn the hive into a garbage dump of small projects that were created for elements.
4 sales this month… Wow
After 15 years, this month I’ve got 1 sale GG
Sad but true, i remember the old days when we were kings of the Hive