The Sales Monitor 2

Pretty decent week, better than previous ones


sales what sales which sales you are talking about. I used to have 100$ in one day now its taking one month to earn the same. where we are going i dont understand. I hope whoever that god is listening :sweat_smile: :rofl:.

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Снимок экрана 2021-04-19 в 16.21.13

One day is missing tho (

And yeah, these ones aren’t good and I don’t wanna compare them alone to ‘old days’, but combining EE and Market I still hold acceptable level of average monthly income which is in line with those ‘old good days’ =)

P.S. 90+% of your portfolio is 2+ years old. 70-80% of my income made from items which were uploaded in last 1.5-2 years. Think about it.

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Same situation here, who knows why?!

hey guys this exception has been happening to me for 3 months. He comes twice a month and takes 2 projects from me. I think someone is asking me to give up. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Worst month in like 8 years :smiley: lol


yes I know :slight_smile: but with doing nothing - you must be - InlifeThrill's profile on VideoHive

last publish 11 December 12

Last video sale 1 month ago :slight_smile:


Two new projects and nothing. Maybe it was bad timing for me to get on videohive just now.

Envato should officialy release some statistics of how covid and whole world crisis influenced sales earnings and buyer behavior. Because this is very unnerving to earn like 50% 60% less and being in the unkown…



It’s a private company. They shouldn’t public any stats.
As for me I have stable high earnings within 6 months.

Blue - Market
Red - Elements
Gray - the sum of Market + Elements
Lines - moving average


Yeah:) it was ok till March 25, Why don`t you add April?

April isn’t over yet. And I don’t live in future :man_shrugging:

Buy the dip

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so april is a worst month for me. i can declare it.


Same here

Low sales. What do I have to do to be accepted into Element? Videohive isn’t enough anymore.

same here

True story

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