The Sales Monitor 2

Still the same here too. Really big difference comparing to last month and before. Trying to keep hopes and working on more items to upload. Thank god Elements earnings are going great this month.

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This is the worst week, no sales, what happened (?


I think very few people understand what is happening with sales¯_(ツ)_/¯

Sales completely stopped since 3 days for me

Same here, 1 sale then several days nothing, another sale and many days nothing again. This month is definitely not good at all to me comparing to many previous months. It all began when Elements free trial started, I’m not saying that’s the reason, but just a thought :man_shrugging:

Sales just suddenly stopped… so weird :))
And the weirdest part is the only sales I get is mostly US… and almost none from Europe or Asia. Used to be other way round…

Corona makes markets move in mysterious ways…

Earnings drop ~50% comparing to January but number of sales is almost equal. :face_with_monocle:

It is like you are not even trying to do some actual math to complain about xD

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That’s exactly my experience this month. Normal sales from USA, very few from the rest of the world.

What do you mean?

I am the only one not suffering total collapse by the end of this month? :thinking:



He said he had a sales drop of 100% on the day 1 of every month compared with previous month’s ,:100:

On topic:sales were low

The month has not even ended yet and you are already comparing it with January as a full month
:chart_with_downwards_trend: :wink:

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5 days left i don’t believe in February miracles :joy:
I mean what can change in 5 days? A hundred in earnings is a maximum in these 5 days. It’s strange that the number of sales would be almost the same but in the earnings you can see on the graph that is 50% less at this moment.

Welcome to Misel-Math!

48 = 32, exact same number.
31 days of January = 22 Days of February. Everyone knows February days are around 50% longer than January days.

Sum: Misel broke, Market broke, End of World near, Illuminati confirmed!

May be due to the new CEO…

edit: some new calculations:
6 days left = 5 days left. (Remember the Reverse leap year where February has only 27 days!)
29% average daily earnings drop in february compared to January = 50% drop!!!

So in short:
48 = 32.
29 = 50.
6 = 5.
31 = 22.

Any questions left?




Not only and this topic is mostly about complaining)

I have sales every day, not the best month - somewhere around January.

It seems to me that average market behavior has shifted due to corona as new lockdowns had happened in some countries all over the world.

Rarely I complain but sales honestly are 40-50% lower than january. Comparing 22days of january to 22 days of february…


Re-phrased myself: “This topic mostly about bad sales than good sales”

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Looking at the last 2-3 days of silence in this thread,. I guess the sales is average or above average for these days :face_with_monocle:

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