The Most Wanted Features in multipurpose wordpress theme

In your professional opinion, what are The Most Wanted Features in Multipurpose Wordpress theme can have ? :neutral_face:

I’d be looking for unique design but if you’re considering about sales, this wouldn’t be a good idea because of the most of the buyers are still looking for “classic” themes

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i’m talking about the features (plugins, builders, widgets …) not the design, the design is always changing innovating faster than the functionalities and remains a matter of personal style and preferences, i’m focusing on the strengths of the functionalities and features, all things that Sales the theme, knowing well that the design also, but not so much as the features, you know what i mean ? :dart:

I know that’s why I commented this:

Will wait how the other authors post here. May join later…

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Yes w’ill see …

What makes the top Multipurpose themes different from the others is their own Page Builder and a great support/marketing team behind.

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What can I say about the multipurpose theme is the customizability that it offers. Also it is good if it has some kind of page builder because you can make unique designs with the theme. And on plugins side it is good to have some compatibility with some of the popular plugins like woocommerce, buddy press etc.

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For sure :+1:

It is true, these are all the most relevant elements, and also the side of support and after sales service, if i dare say! :slight_smile: