I have recently purchased Tesla theme and installed, but I am not quite clear of how to customise the pages. Except for how to create simple blank sections of the page, there isn’t any comprehensive documentation for how-to. When I import the demo data, it works fine and shows all contents, but how do I customise the pages to suit my need, I didn’t even come across any page builder or like. I saw some youtube videos customising the pages using visual composer but looks like the theme I purchase does not come with visual composer bundled.
If anyone here who has used this theme before or any support guys, please help me on this.
Hey @chezang,
There are a couple of Tesla themes on the market, but I suspect you might be referring to the one by @scrils.
As they are the author of the theme, they’ll be the best placed to help you out. I’ve tagged them into this thread, or you can reach out to them via their item page.
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for your reply, the author name is said to be NineThemes
Ok, I’m tagging in @Nine-Themes.
I couldn’t see a Theme by that name in their portfolio though?
We don’t have any Tesla theme in our portfolio
I think this is mean for @Ninetheme ? Thanks
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This is the one I downloaded, so then is envato market not to be trusted?
Envato is one of the biggest marketplaces in the world and perfectly trustworthy.
Support for themes is usually provided by the author not envato. However, the author of this particular theme does not offer support.
It claims to use the VC page builder so that should be there.
Have you read the documentation for the theme? If you click the download button (on www.themeforest.net/downlaods (assuming that you are logged in) and choose "All files and documentation this should cover the basics of installation and using the theme, however, support and documentation etc. does not tend to cover “how to use” items
Why you use same username?
Nine-Themes nick was my idea. It’s not my fault that you have the same nick
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impossible, you know I know too. It is about Ninetheme Opencart days, you changed username and you can change again. not ?
@charlie4282 , yes on Envato Market page says Tesla by NineTheme has VC, but could not find in my install, and support site at https://9theme.ticksy.com/tickets is currently in Maintenance mode
Given the author shared that link with you I would expect that they will be up and running again v soon.