Templatemoster became a marketplace

I can’t believe this is happening while Envato destroyed itself with this Elements nonsense template monster became a marketplace, man o man the times we live on…

If anybody from the management reads this, you are losing your authors! and I was right other marketplaces take advantage of this…


It’s like 5 stages of grief, before you were at denial stage, now it’s anger I suppose :slight_smile:
I have already completed the all of the stages within a week or two. Probably you’d do the same…


I don’t even know at this point but I was right other marketplaces are taking advantage of this, is funny that template monster from a subscription model became a marketplace…

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Please clarify what has changed. They sold templates and themes before or am I missing something?

They have changed their model similar to Envato also which now WordPress plugins and JavaScript… this confirms that I was right this model works it just need to be promoted and helped by the management…


I noticed that the conversion rate on Templatemonster is quite low. I had listed a product there before, but the traffic was almost zero, so I took it down. On my second try, the sales of even the top items were disappointing. I think we need a new marketplace platform with a strong investment in marketing and system development, creating a trusted environment where authors are willing to invest their time and effort into producing high-quality products.


We already have that CC and TT, the only thing that is missing is a CEO with his head on the shoulders not living in LALA land…


I think we need new Platform system like Shopify


I still retain my opinion CC and TT are matured all they need is attention from the new management/CEO it has everything else is here…

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Well, to be fair, TemplateMonster also has MonsterONE – it’s the same subscription model as Envato Elements. As for sales, it’s already been mentioned above – they’re very low there.