Tabs for the Overview, Description, etc always hangs up/hover effect not working

Hi! Help please. The tabs of my overview, description etc always hangs up whenever I used the hover effect. What to do? Thanks.

Hey @bahaydepot,

If you tell us what theme you’re using, we can point you in the right direction?

Hi I’m using the Beyot Theme

Cool! Beyot is a theme by @G5Theme, so they’ll be the best ones to reach out to.

I’ve tagged them into this post, so they should see your question. Your other option is to reach out to them on their page here:

Thanks for the fast response @matthewcoxy :slight_smile:

Hi @bahaydepot
Can you tell me exactly what is your problem? And please write comments here: as suggested by @matthewcoxy
I will answer/support faster for you. Thanks

Hi @G5Theme. I already created a topic at the link given by @matthewcoxy. I attached here the screenshot of my concern. I was not able to view the contents of the tabs (Overview & Location) after several switches. I can only switched it once.

By the way, this is the link of the site. You can try it on to see what I’m talking about :slight_smile:

Hi. Forgot to give you the link:

Hi. Suddenly it bacame responsive. I deactivated some plug-ins. :slight_smile:

Hi, @bahaydepot
Send to me link which you created on my help desk here. If not yet, please go to my help desk at for further support. Sorry but there I can check bought user or not.
In your image, this is content of Overview tab, here:
And when you click Description tab, your content here:
That is true and the same with my demo here: