switch between light and dark mode

What is the best way to switch between light and dark mode using CSS and JavaScript to use in a theme on theme forest , can any one help me , Can anyone help me with more details about this ?

There have many option you will find in web world. In css-tricks.com they show many option in just one post. Basically i use css body class and just little bit code to toggle button and locally storage setting so that the cache keep my setting up when i reentry my site. You can check my site where dark mode available. But this Template got hard rejected. So be conscious…
site url: e-resume.erfanali.com

Thanks Bro , Your Theme Is Awesome :heart:

I want to understand something also, How do I organize buyer files if I make a two version Dark & Light

But it have been rejected by themeforest😑. I am amateur. Please ask Professional. They could help you better. But i can suggest you to make two different folder and reneme it so that the buyer can understand.

No problem bro , It still Awesome , try make another one , Thanks for help :heart: