Supply Chain Theme for Wordpress

I’m beginner at Wordpress and looking for a theme for a supply portal much like the look and functionality of Any recommendations other than build from scratch?

This is a colossal website (would have been at least 5 if not 6 figures to build) and quite specialised behind the scenes

You could try and use a multi-purpose option and build it put from there but you would need to be very very clear on the site map before you start and what features or functionality you will need, and this is realy not a job for a beginner.

Yes all noted well by me, and I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. I do understand the enormity of a full build! However I need to start myself and build a demonstrator (non-operational) with basic supply chain processes so I can get proper funding and then handover to professionals as I don’t have the cash for that right now. (I’m business technical rather than technical technical.) From your knowledge is there a multi-purpose theme that has the “blocky” look of the NHS Supply portal and has a template of basic processes of supply chain? I have the domain name for the sector, and a band/icon/image plus I have some IP on browser functionality.

brand not band I meant

An alternative theme/look could be that used by which is generally what I want to replicate to a degree but that’s not a WP build

Honstly there are so many layouts on that site that I would suggest using a theme with a decent page builder like WP Bakery or Elementor and just compiling them as you need

Maybe have a look at top selling corporate themes

If you are a WP beginner then no matter how great and flexible the theme you buy, it will take weeks if not even months to build a site like the first one, especially since you will be learning as you go. This wouldn’t be easy even for an experienced person.
The second one looks much more doable, and in the veins of modern multipurpose-themes, but still, by no means an easy task to do.
Let’s say that you will definitely not be a WP beginner anymore if you finish this project, so good luck.

Just to add to what Charlie suggested, choose a theme with good reputation (5 star rating, periodical updates, the author has a WP compliance badge in his profile) and support for a well known page builder (Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder or WordPress block editor AKA Gutenberg). I would stay away from themes which use custom page builders, because then you wouldn’t benefit from plethora of 3rd party add-ons which can add various new elements to your builder. I would personally focus on either the Elementor or WP block editor (Gutenberg).

Also, you will be probably tempted to ask authors some pre-purchase question, like if it would be possible to build a site like those you’ve shared using their themes. Let me put it this way: it would take me hours to seriously inspect that first site to be able to tell if it would be possible to build it using my theme (if I had a multipurpose theme in my portfolio in the first place). Nobody is going to spend so much time just to answer some pre-purchase questions, so take any answers with a grain of salt. You need to do some proper research yourself.

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That was very helpful thanks

To be clear there are thousands of great themes and authors around but (and it may not be at all right) I would suggest looking @tommusrhodus portfolio in particular this and this theme.

I would reitterate @LSVRthemes point - you cannot underestimate the complexity and work involved in doing a site like this