State of the Union: ThemeForest review queues.

Please set elite authors right after power elites in queue, i’ve sold more than $500,000 and working with envato last 4 years. I guess It’s not fair if elite authors will be in regular queue with new authors. For me this is not hobby it’s my only income.


So basically you are saying that only power elites means something, and the rest of us elite authors are not??? That’s really nice from you! Unbelievable…


As well as power elite authors can you prioritise submissions from users whos username begins with the letter ‘s’? That would be pretty swell.


None of this addresses the fact that many new authors were having their themes reviewed and often accepted in 30 days. Is it really on to prioritise them over established authors whose livelihood revolves around theme-forest and do not suddenly expect to be two months in a review queue when it was previously 7 days.

Its sad to see the June date of normalising the review queue completely go out the window but I suspected this would be the case.

One of our biggest challenges is the amount of time we spend reviewing items that are never approved for sale.

Automated checks so if a theme does not meet certain minimum requirements it does not have time wasted by the review checking it. I contacted yourselves about something like this I’d created but was told it was decided against to go down this route!


Maybe 4-5 years ago. I think two-three months is ok taking into consideration how big the market is. Also, you all complain about this queue, but in the same time you all submit themes with hundreds of demos, different WP or PHP frameworks and expect reviewers to know all your coding habits, not taking into consideration that some new authors don’t even know how to enqueue a script. This is the new norm, you should get used to it, it will not get any better.

That is not true at all about 5-7 years ago, even my last item was 30 days not 70 and that was the middle of may. My item before that was 2 weeks and that was last October.

Envato have openly talked about the reasons behind why the review queue is long. Have a read through the announcements so you are more aware of what’s happening.

Also whilst many people do submit 100’s of demos I don’t and do not agree with doing it either.

Hello Matthew,

Thanks for the “update” even if it doesn’t really update the current situation. You just finally admitted what we already knew.

Sorry to say this, but your post is just “Yet another false promise we made, friends, but Hey - let’s face the unpleasant truth - you should be used to it by now.”.

Let me ask you just two questions**, please:

  1. On average ~8-12 new WordPress themes are approved every day. Does this mean your 3-4 senior/experienced reviewers capacity is up to 3,33 themes/person/day + whatever the number of reviewed updates? If so - how do you plan to catch up with the pile of new submissions? Hire another 341 reviewers?

  2. Some days (e.g. yesterday) 3 of the 10 approved themes are made by Power Elites, which forms solid 30%. Are you planning to create a private theme club and let us “mortals” hit the road and find/form another big marketplace. If that’s the plan, would you, please be kind enough to inform us directly.

** - may contain irony

Last, but not least - Sorry for being “not supportive” lately, but you left us no choice. I can assure you that being rude and not supportive doesn’t give us ANY pleasure. Guaranteed! Most of us are grown, intelligent people. Anyways, being an Envato author is supposed to be a business venture. “We feel your pain, but can’t do better” would be more appropriate for a friendly meeting, not business operation. Just face and admit it - We are NOT FRIENDS! We are business partners! Do something. Really! Please!


That’s what they say on the surface, those are not all the reasons (that’s what I think). Because of this pandemic with multi purpose themes/frameworks and no guidelines, each reviewer needs to review hundreds of files and some crazy code.

I actually don’t blame theme authors, I actually want to blame Envato because they didn’t stop this when they should have.

I feel your pain, but let’s be realistic, the Power Elite Authors are Envato’s business partners, everyone else is just the unpaid intern trying to make themselves known. I’m not bitter about it though, it’s the way the World works, not just Envato.

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We need to openly face an uncomfortable truth

Why not at least be honest on the average review times page then, the 35 days things is really irritating, would much rather know the truth even if it is 60, 70 or 80 days.

Are there different levels of reviewers because I don’t feel it needs a fully trained coding genius reviewer to have the first look of a submitted theme. A much less trained reviewer could be used to quickly filter some of the obviously not up to design standards themes and significantly reduce the queue surely.

Also the power elite authors are the ones that are probably financially stable and can more than likely afford to wait in the queue more than everyone else because they have a ton of products which will keep them ticking over. A long review time is not going to affect them half as much as it will the authors with just a few themes trying to do this full time :frowning:


Knowing Envato, we all knew things weren’t going to get any better before late August at least. Which is all fine. However, prioritizing new authors over Elite authors is a bad idea.

Non-elite authors are still getting priority over Elites: (Elites are at ~60 days to get reviewed)

I can add more if you want.

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If you are making differences there are different stages of elite authors also :stuck_out_tongue:
The main point is, the first time actually the part that everyone is quoting was honest.

It will get worst before it gets better, meaning it will not get better all to the end of the year or longer. Couple of month always means more… and envato did state in the beginning that it could go into third quarter.

Meaning we will keep on loosing money. Who survives, survives.
Lets just hope envato will learn from this disaster to listen to early signs from small guys. We have been warning about this the day review times went up from 2 days to 5 days, but nobody listened.

The only question here is in my book, who is legally responsible for so many authors that will get financially ruined, and what will that side do to remedy or help those authors.

In comparison maybe: If i have a store and because of my mistake i close the door and clients cannot buy the product any more am i responsible for your damage and what do i have to do to ease it.

In the end things will get back to track quite a few authors will suffer/ have to close the shop go into dept etc in that time, those are the ones i fear for.

Cheers and Good luck everyone.


Still waiting 2+ months on my submission.

NOOO! I see new items from some brand new authors with ID 1655xxxx is approved today on the Frontpage. Mine are 16170xxx & 1644xxx that haven’t been touched. “Submitted 2 months ago” is terrible.
What @matthewcoxy drew (queue status illustration) in the latest announcement is TRUE?.


It seems a bit odd that Envato would decide to provide more thorough reviews before having the resources to do so. I mean I agree with the premise, the more useful the feedback the better for everyone, but if the price is having to wait 2 months to get a theme accepted, how can you justify it? Was the old system of hard rejecting sub-standard items really that broken? And can the current state really be considered to be an improvement?


2 months + of waiting here as well

Have you heard anything from Collis? We have the biggest crisis for authors ever and not a single word or comment from him. That’s really weird and suspicious.


There are no chages 21 days avg for new items with 2-3 month ago :sweat:

I’m waiting for 45+ days for a WordPress theme now. :joy: My first, hope and luck.

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There are people waiting more than 70 :frowning:

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