Hey @MoonBear,
I’ve just been looking into this now actually! To the extent of my understanding this isn’t actually the case currently. There was a bump in the road when we were doing some work on the infrastructure a while back which caused this problem. I suspect any major cases of this could be linked to this event, but that issue has since been fixed.
@ThemeSphere gave some examples above… [quote=“ThemeSphere, post:300, topic:47026, full:true”]
@matthewcoxy Please clarify why are you ignoring the concerns about Elite authors being de-prioritized while non-elites getting relatively higher priority? Here’s the previous post with proof: State of the Union: ThemeForest review queues.
And some more recent ones from today:
I’ve had the team look into this. The first link provided wasn’t a new author and was still after 45+ days. The second link was a new author but took 51 days (including resubmissions). I suspect most of the ones that people are talking about were from when the queue prioritisation was changed for a week and then reverted. Bare in mind, if an item has been rejected, then re-submitted it moves through the queue at a faster rate.
I am going to keep looking into this to confirm, however.
Also, the prioritisation only applies to 1M+ Elite authors.
Hope that helps