Squareroot theme: theme options wont save

I apologize in advance if I’m not in the right place.
I’m looking for help about the theme I use: Squareroot (V2.7). The theme options won’t save any of my changes.

website: http://magamaseuani.com/

I already modify memory limit, max execution time, post-max-size and upload max filesize. All permissions are set-up: 755 or 644

Thank you for your support.

It’s probably coding ( Php or jQuery ) issue. Have you contacted the theme author for support?

I try, but they are requesting a license number …which I do not have.

Assuming that you downloaded the item from Elements, to get the support, you will need to purchase the item on ThemeForest as well.

Author is responsible by the item support ( free ) but if you’d like to get some paid support, I can provide some help at Studio

I got this theme free, because I buy a lot with ThemeForest/Envato - that was a gift.


You are using very old version 2.7 • 2017.04.06
where current version is 2.9.2 • 2021.28.1

I think you are facing compatibility issues. You should update theme to latest version.
As freebies don’t come with author support and update download. You can purchase a theme license so that you can get those.


Hi and thank you for your reply. I understand, and I’m questioning why I can not update this free theme? Many other theme, even it is free, offer to update the theme, but without any tech support.

please do not take my comments personally. I just walk my talk…

I built this website for free for a person in the art community, and without any money. I wanted to do a good deed to help her.

The Company ThemeForest/Envato will certainly gain to keep their loyal clients (I built many websites with their themes), by having a bit more flexibility. May be they should implement a system of points, that the client can use to buy their products?

Thank you.

Sorry! to say all freebies item don’t come with free update download and author support.
Only purchased customer will be able to download the lifetime free update from their download page and in download page only purchased item(s) will be listed. no free item will be listed in download page.

You can check it by yourself. just go to themeforest landing page (homepage) at bottom you will see the list of free items for this month. click any one, it will take you the item page. in free item page in right side at top you will see a note:
Support and updates are not provided for free files.
