Something's not correct in Envato terms

Let’s assume the following:

  1. A buyer purchases a WordPress theme, a supported theme
  2. INCLUDED in this price, he pays $15.84 for six months of support (just an example, the sum is not relevant)
  3. Three days later (!) the author decides to suddenly remove the theme from the market.
  4. The buyers has the files, he downloaded them, he still can use the item, but:
  5. of course he cannot receive any longer any support, even he paid for it.

Now, on the other hand, Envato doesn’t refund money for items deleted by authors, as specified in market terms

So, in the end, the buyer paid for a six months support he will never receive.
Is this moral and correct?

The buyer will receive the support because you can always contact the user trough their contact form. Almost all the authors resolve these problems like that and not on the product page comments section…so there is really no problem.

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With more than 75 different scripts and templates in my orders list, the percentage of authors that I got support is less than 10%. And I’m talking for scripts marked as supported. This 10% increased to 50% (again too low) when I asked support at their site. Comparing support requests in Comments section vs Email from their contact form, maybe it appears strange but Comments works better. Maybe they don’t want other visitors see there unanswered questions.

For the old days when there was no renewal and prices were lower, I found it normal. Actually when you buy something for $10 one time payment, let’s face the true, you can’t expect support. But now with higher prices and renewals, things must be change.