Someone Posted my Music On Spotify

Someone called Superstars of Rock took my track - Desert Rider, Music | AudioJungle sped it up and posted it as 3 different tracks on spotifty -

I contacted Spotify and Tunecore who they published it with and hopefully they will take it down. I only found this out when a client contacted me with a video they posted on Facebook and had these false claims on it. My guess is this Superstars of Rock has stolen all of these other tracks from Audio Jungle authors so please check if they stole any of your tracks.


If anyone has an suggestions for avoiding this kind of thing in the future I would love to hear it. My Content ID manager I use is AdRev.

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Apart from not writing music, I don’t think there is a way to prevent it. All you can do is control and litigate when there is an offense.

The interesting part is that “their” music seems to have been used by a famous luxury hotel in Paris, “Hotel Costes”, which put out their own music compilation. There’s potentially a case there too, which could mean a lot of compensation money.


If someone uploads your music to Spotify without your permission, you can submit a takedown request through Spotify’s infringement form or contact your distributor for help.

Thanks, I did that I also sent the distributor an email to remove the claim on my clients video. It wasn’t too bad, a few emails and everything seems to have worked out.

Did you check out that “Hotel Costes” compilation? If your music was indeed used illegally on a compilation by a luxury hotel, there’s potentially a jackpot moment to seize.

I didn’t yet, I’ll look into it, if you have any links you can share or anything that would be great, thanks!

Track 7 is by the offender. But it’s not your track. Maybe it’s stolen from here as well, but I don’t know it.

Well I don’t know if it really worked out. This thief is still on Spotify with their stolen music, including your track.

Thanks, I did find that playlist but the track isn’t actually on there, can’t quite figure out why it is listed as being on there. Your right, the music hasn’t actually been removed yet but I got an email from the distributor saying it will be removed soon.