Some Exciting News And AudioJungle Statistics from Olexandr

Hi! I want to share something with you today. :smiley:

My first upload to AudioJungle happened at 16th December, 2013…

Badges at the time looked like this:


My profile image looked liked this:


And the top of the top looked like this:

Let’s look what happened since then in my AudioJungle journey:

  • 1066 Days passed
  • 2 years and 11 months passed
  • 744 items uploaded
  • 298 top reviews from my clients earned
  • 11 614 licenses sold
  • #31 position in Top Authors across AudioJungle
  • A lof of great people met both from AudioJungle community and my clients
  • And countless moments of pride and joy starting from these very first sales notifications at night when you’re sleeping to later seeing my customers happy and excited using my music.

But today is a kinda special day for me as I’m celebrating the next huge milestone of unlocking the Author Level 9 badge! (which also stands for Elite Author Level 3)

Now my badges look like this (still haven’t collect them all though!)

Thanks Envato, friends and family who supported me in this great journey of learning, creating and hard work. I’ve grown big time because of the opportunity AudioJungle provided me with and I’m still growing.

I won’t stop until I feel I reached my full potential with serving AudioJungle and Envato family with my skills, my music and my passion. I’m super excited and hope you feel the same way about yourself, your mission and passion.

Long live AudioJungle!

Be Great!


Wow , yeah , that’s a really cool way , congratulations @OlexandrIgnatov , you still have a lot to go through ):wink:

Congratulations! :grinning:

Congratulations, well deserved!

Huge Congrats!! :clap::clap::tada::tada::tada:
Well deserved! :notes::notes::grinning:

Congrats Olexandr! You are one hardworking mf :sunglasses: Love your videos too, looking at your workflow is amazing. Keep the magic coming! Best Vibes :raised_hands:

Bravo Olexandr very well deserved,Congrats :smiley:

Congratulations Olexandr! Well deserved success for you :slight_smile: Very nice progress summary too :thumbsup:

Congrats Olexandr! Amazing to see how far both you and AudioJungle have come!

Well done mate !! Great job, keep it up !! all the best to you and your music. @OlexandrIgnatov

Congratulations :wink:

Well done! Congrats!

Congrats!) You a really successful! :thumbsup: Good luck with more sales!

Great Job! Keep it going!

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HA-HA that’s really cool. :slight_smile: well done my friend!

Wow! Congratulations and respect. :slight_smile:
By the way, yesterday I saw one of your videos on YouTube (How I Make Happy Upbeat Music). Great insight and very well done.

And that’s really amazing achievements! :tada:

Amazing news Olexandr! You are one of the hardest working authors I’ve ever seen on this marketplace. You truly deserve to be where you’re at. Keep up the awesome work and keep climbing! :slight_smile:

Hey Bro! Happy that you’re done this climbing so fast!. Keep it up and make more cool sound! Cheers :sunglasses::+1:

Congrats @OlexandrIgnatov, a well deserved milestone. Keep working hard!