soft reject then hard rejected without note !

Hello everyone,
I had previously uploaded in the codecanyon store a project for an Android application and it was accepted, but when I uploaded a social media platform using (php) for the first time it was soft rejected, and I was crazy with joy!

The reviewer gave me a note that the registration process is not working and attached a photo to me.
But I noticed that he did not write the password correctly, so I made it clear that there was no error or problem with the code, and attached a video of the registration process to him, and all this I wrote in the “comment to the reviewer” box.

Unfortunately, half an hour did not pass until the project was hard rejected without even attaching a single note or information that would enable me to determine the source of the Hard rejection!

1- Is the quality bad from the inside?

Note that I used some of a very popular Olympus theme: Which has a unique and beautiful design and high accuracy.

2-Was the person reviewing unable to enter the platform?

Note that I have changed the login information and attached a video to repeat the experiment.

I tried , uploading a new one and it fixed some bugs I found but it still rejected without any notice and that left me devastated because I worked on this project for 6 months and it all got lost in half an hour !

I strongly criticize the reviewers’ method of not attaching a note, this is enough to frustrate the person not to participate again !..

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It’s impossible to give feedback without seeing a demo BUT if you are openly including elements of a popular theme belonging to another (power elite) author and without written permission to do so then it could well be that the item was just rejected without proper review