Soft Reject - Help Please.

Hello Friends,

Took it to soft reject my theme, what should I do ?

  1. It’s a very poor practice to deregister WordPress’ built-in jQuery and load another specific version. Please use the WordPress default javascript library. Use the jQuery noConflict mode to avoid issues —

  2. Third party scripts/ styles don’t need to be prefixed to avoid double loading. ref:

Please Help Me :frowning:

any solution for number 2 ?

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First one is straight forward. Remove it.

For second one, you have two options.

First, remove prefix “peron-” from all third party js plugins. Only retain prefix for the main js.


Second options is to copy paste all these js file (10) codes in a new js file. You can name it plugins.js or something like this and then enqueue it “with prefix”. This will reduce the server load.